The advert titled Rake was done by DDB BRASIL advertising agency for CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (Telhanorte company) in Brazil. It was released in the April 2010. Business sector is Retail stores & rental companies.
We have the tools.
You have the need.
Home Center.
Telhanorte, the largest construction materials retail chain, and the only Home Center in Brazil that offers unique stores dedicated to construction professionals, introduces a new institutional campaign. Produced by DDB Brasil the ads play with unusual ways the consumer can use the wide variety of tools that are offered at Telhanorte. The ads that were created by Adriano Alarcon, Bruno Salgueiro, Márcio Fritzen, say "We have the tools. You have the need.”
- Agency: DDB Brasil
- Advertiser/Client: Telhanorte
- Product: Institutional
- Campaign: “Tools”
- Ads: “Blowtorch”, “Drill”, “Rake”
- Creative Directors: Sergio Valente, André Pedroso, Daniel Bottas, Joao Mosterio
- Creatives: Adriano Alarcon, Bruno Salgueiro, Marcio Fritzen
- Account Supervisor: Daniel Malavazzi, Adriana Barreto
- Media: Patricia Muratori, Vilma Morais, Maria Angelica Ono
- Art Buyer: Clariana da Costa, Carmen Castillo, Carolina Galastri
- Producer: Edson Harada
- Photographer: Rogerio Miranda
- Advertiser's Supervisor: Suzana Almeida
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