One of the most concentrated areas of great galleries in Southern California (and quite possibly the nation,) Culver City, will lay claim to the Culver City Artwalk going down this Saturday, May 31st.
In case you aren’t familiar with Los Angeles’ Culver City art district, we feel pretty bad for you because there are more contemporary galleries and studio spaces here than Starbucks’- and that’s saying quite a lot for LA.
Tomorrow’s event will feature a plethora of new shows, artwork, and events, but a few must-sees are: Four, a group show at Corey Helford Gallery (opening tonight, May 30th) Tiffany Bozic’s Bedtime Stories at Kinsey DesForges (image shown) and Edwin Ushiro, Tessar Lo, Yoskay Yamamoto, Nate Frizzell, and more at project:gallery. On top of all that, project:gallery is launching a special one-day 3000sq/ft curated exhibit called Pop-Up with over 30 artists!