The advert titled Brazil was done by DDB BRASIL advertising agency for MASP MUSEUM (MASP: SAO PAULO MUSEUM OF ART company) in Brazil. It was released in the January 2010. Business sector is Entertainment & leisure.
Three works that DDB Brasil made for São Paulo Museum of Art (Masp).
The most famous photographer, Walker Evans, that portraied history moments of the Great American Depression of 1929, devoting the biggest American photographer of century XX. With the title “No, He didn´t say ‘say cheese’ before taking his photo”, one of the pieces portraies the suffering of the population at the time. Already another one brings the heading “At a time when no one had anything, those with a camera made history”.
- Title of ads: “Say Cheese”, “Camera”, “Photos”
- Agency: DDB Brasil
- Advertiser/Client: MASP
- Product or Service: Exhibition
- Campaign: “Walker Evans”
- Creative Directors: Sergio Valente, Guilherme Jahara, Marcelo Reis
- Art Director: Guilherme Jahara
- Copywriter: Marcelo Reis
- Photographer: Fundación Mapfre’s Collection
- Account Supervisor: Daniel Malavazzi, Kim Moraes
- Media: Vilma Morais, Maria Angélica Ono
- Advertiser´s Supervisor: Paulo Donizete