After 3 days in an air-conditioning duct, it wasn't just his tongue that was blue.
This blue tongue lizard must have been more than a little relieved when one of our volunteers extracted him from his chilly hiding place. One can only hazard a guess as to how he found his way in there, but even a cold-blooded reptile can probably think of a better spot to spend a long weekend. Every day, our volunteers rescue hurt, frightened animals from predicaments like this. If you'd like to help, go to wires.org.au and find out how you can become a volunteer.
WIRES - Saving our wildlife from ourselves.
Advertising Agency: Ward 6, Sydney, Australia
Creative Directors: Hugh Fitzhardinge, Grant Foster
Illustrator: Richard Price
Copywriter: Hamish Grieve
Art Directors: Richard Price, Grant Foster, Hamish Grieve