Bare Breasts Don't Offend Brazilians; American Cachaca Does
When it comes to marketing and advertising, Brazil has long been associated with either soccer or perfectly shaped women. So it would come as no surprise that an upcoming summer campaign positioning Cabana Cachaça as an "authentically Brasilian" drink would feature a naked woman with perfect proportions wearing nothing more than a pair of sexy pumps. Right?
Authentically Brazilian?
But the campaign in question, created by Avrett Free Ginsberg of New York, has already raised the ire of many Brazilians in the blogosphere. But not for the overt exploitation of the female body to pitch an alcoholic beverage. No, it's because the product is not really "typically" Brazilian. Cabana Cachaça, while distilled in Brazil, is the brainchild of Matti C. Anttila, a New York investment banker turned entrepreneur who first launched the brand in 2006 in an effort to "evoke an emotional connection with Brazil." Both Cabana Cachaça, like its agency, is based in New York City.
Cabana's summer campaign, which has been labeled hotter than Rio in summer, includes an explicit, sexually-charged video, which anyone (older than 21, of course) can view here. It ends with a close-up of the model showing her Brazilian wax, apparently another typical feature of women in the South American country.