Anything miniature is always better than its normal-sized counterpart. Take, for example, these mini retro synthesizers by Australian illustrator and designer Dan McPharlin. Not only are they tiny, but they’re retro, and shockingly accurate.
Created entirely of paper and cardboard, they kind of remind us of when we attempted to fashion an entire dollhouse, complete with furniture, out of index cards because a parent (who shall remain nameless) refused to purchase us a real dollhouse. Yeah, tough (yet creative) times.
Uhh anyways, we’ll give Mr McParlin a bit more credit, as his mini synthesizers feature insane detailing, right down to the switches, knobs and wires all part of the life-sized equipment. As an old, and very brief, college roommate used to say (who shall also remain nameless), that's "just precious."
See more mini retro synthesizers, and other goodness, now at danmcpharlin.com