Campari's story continues through the pages of the 2008 edition of the Campari Calendar: the style changes and becomes pure fantasy and fairy tales take life as never before. Campari Tales, the concept for the year 2008, is an adult, glamorous and glossy story book where Eva Mendes' alluring sensuality is the absolute protagonist and her enchanting beauty is captured by Marino Parisotto's lens. Advertising Agency: MRM Worldwide, Milan, Italy Creative Director: Roberto Apostolo Art Director: Stefano Cairati Copywriter: Emilia De Bartolomeis Senior Consultant: Niccolò Magnani Released: November 2007
The art of Yue Minjun is based on his own smile as the basic image for his painting and sculpture. This image has become a kind of permanent icon through repeated use over the last ten years. For the Chinese, an icon is an integral symbol in their minds, as in the saying "the kingdom cannot do without a king for a single day". Why is it so? This is because in the psychology of the Chinese, there is the habit of passively accepting icons and the mentality of letting themselves be suppressed by despots and controlled by heroes. They have the common characteristic of showing blind loyalty under great power and pressure. The people throughout the country during the Mao era therefore were all united in their thinking, conduct and language, because "we will triumph only when we all march to the same tune". In other words Mao Zedong applied the approach of military operation to order the daily lives of the people during peacetime.
In the great lineage of comic books, no one has explored heroes and villains quite like Nerdcore™. In this 12-month, 2008 calendar, heroines and their evil counterparts square off in quite revealing ways — a fully nude firestarter igniting her surroundings, a “super” lass undresses after a hard day’s night of battling bad guys, and a katana-wielding vixen, wearing a headband and not much else, shows a few ninjas who’s the real boss is. These are the powered-up ladies that watch over downtown Los Angeles from rooftops and can turn invisible with the snap of a finger. They are the heroes and villains of the 2008 Nerdcore™ calendar.
Jill Greenberg was tagged The Manipulator in the early '90s when she became known for transforming photos into surreal portraits by tweaking colors, cutting and pasting and otherwise distorting images. The work she created at the beginning of her career took advantage of Photoshop before it was a household name and became iconic of the collaged, multi-colored look of the time, forming the groundwork for the hyper-real work that's now her trademark.
Debli which means 'Recycle and Re-create' is an exhibition of animal inspired art and media. Over 180 artists will 'recycle' objet d'arts... and create. Debli Project is the fantastic sum of the artists' creative visions as all were invited to take the same recycled objects and use their wildly imaginative minds and impressive artistic skills and CREATE to make a difference. This revolutionary art tour is not only affirming Tom Tor's ongoing commitment to supporting independent artistic expression, but the creative agency, with offices in L.A. and Tokyo, has also manifested the possibility of designing to make a difference through this exhibition.
Bring it on. When you need to push your game to the next level, reach for Powerade. Advertising Agency: Lowe Bull, Cape Town, South Africa Creative Director: Kirk Gainsford Art Director: Cameron Watson Copywriter: Quinton Ludidi Photographer: Crispian Plunkett
Priciderm Laser Hair Removal Clinics Stop torturing your skin. Advertising Agency: Carte Blanche, Montreal, Canada Creative Director: Johann Smith Art Director: Patrick de Varennes Copywriters: Johann Smith, Marc-André Trépanier Photographer: Jakob Lorenz
London is changing. New journey time. New station. New London. Advertising Agency: Leg, Paris,, France Creative Director: Gabriel Gaultier Art Director: Cedric Moutaud Copywriter: Bernard Naville Photographer: Cedric Delsaux
A winning design entry from the 2007 APPLIED ARTS DESIGN & ADVERTSING ANNUAL, on the newsstand in early November. These are posters promoting the 2009 Honens International Piano Competition. Honens is Canada’s leading presenter of music for piano. The triennial Honens International Piano Competition is one of the world’s great music competitions. Created by Wax Partnership of Calgary. Other credits – CD/Design: Monique Gamache, Copywriting: Trent Burton, Illustration: Tara Hardy and Printing: CSM.
Prince Phillip? or is it David Beckham?…Nope, its definitely David Beckham. These pictures were taken by renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz, for which more photo shoots were taken as part of this promo campaign, in which other celebrities played parts of iconic Disney characters.