For the October issue, Maxim published its first-ever 3-D issue featuring a 3-D cover story, co-branded 3-D glasses, and a 3-D phantaglyph CR-Z print ad. Phantaglyph technology makes images more dimensional and realistic-looking. Instead of floating off the page, the CR-Z looks like it is sitting on the page. The print execution will drive traffic to a Honda 3-D online destination (http://automobiles.honda.com/cr-z/3d/).
Advertising Agency: RPA, Santa Monica, CA USA
Chief Creative Officer: David Smith
Group Creative Director: Joe Baratelli
Creative Director/Art: Nathan Crow
Creative Director/Copy: Adam Lowrey
Senior Art Directors: Ron Berry, Bang Pham
Art Director: Can Kadioglu
Photographer: Uwe Breitkopf
Photographer (3-D): Joe Carlson
Digital artist: Nicola Kraemer